Fernando Basso, a Christian worker in Madagascar, used this projector to help reach his goal of sharing the gospel in the 500 Bara villages.
The Story Behind Amazing Stories (4:26)It’s now official—all 20 episodes of Amazing Stories in English are finally complete. You have been an important part of this story from the beginning! Join us as we look back at the amazing story behind Amazing Stories.
Everett Forkner Reflections (13:03)President Mike Schrage and GNPI's founding/longtime board member Everett Forkner talk about how GNPI began and grew through the years.
Ziden shares highlights of the ministry of GNPI.
The Source of Privilege (19:26)Growing up as a white boy in a black town and later serving as a missionary in Africa, Ziden Nutt recognizes great privilege in his life. Yet, it might look different than you’d expect. Learn how God has shaped Ziden’s path through these blessings.
Faith Greater than Fear (20:55)When you’ve experienced food rationing during war, other outbreaks like the measles, and remote missionary work in Africa, today’s pandemic can be taken in stride.
Following is the history of the first 30 years of GNPI from December 1975 to December 2005. From the very beginning of GNPI, the focus and design has clearly been on presenting the Gospel of Christ in such a way as to be "redeeming the time." Colossians 4:5
1. Foundational Factors Leading to Good News Productions, International (8:59) 2. Early Efforts Pave the Way for Good News Productions, International (11:34) 3. Encouraging Endorsements (9:12) 4. Strategic Planning in Building GNPI (9:34) 5. Harnessing Tools of Technology for the Glory of God (18:18) 6. Regional Centers Increase Opportunity in "redeeming the time." (26:43) 7. Exciting Events Beyond Ourselves (8:21)This series of videos were taken long before GNPI was established. It reveals the commitment to learning the culture, serving others, and sharing the Gospel, which provided a solid foundation for this ministry.
Our Heritage (Chidamoyo Christian Hospital) (3:51) Our Heritage (Baptized into Christ) (:59) Our Heritage (Brother Sithole) (:57) Our Heritage (Church Gatherings) (1:00) Our Heritage (From Darkness to Light) (1:00) Our Heritage (Strength in Fellowship) (1:00) Our Heritage (Training Future Leaders) (1:00) Our Heritage (Training Future Leaders) (1:00)Dennis Okoth of GNPI-Mbale, Uganda, has served as the interim regional director. His own parents tried to poison him when he gave his life to Christ and became vocal about his faith. Dennis continues to serve the people of Uganda despite multiple home invasions and threats to his life.
Answer to Prayer (2:13)Timothy P. of GNPI-SE Asia quit his high school teaching job to attend Bible college and focus on sharing the Gospel. He traveled on foot or by bicycle to talk with the people in his country. Then he prayed for God to show him a faster way to penetrate the nation. Timothy found media to be one of the answers to his prayer and boldly shares Christ with Buddhist leaders.
The Best Strategy (4:06)Dr. Sergei Golovin of GNPI-Eurasia has developed special approaches to minister in restricted areas for the last 20 years. He says media provides the opportunity to overcome limitations in these areas. Sergei is an internally displaced person whose apologetic training is online and impacts people across 10 time zones of Europe.
God Never Left Us (2:03)Sergei and Olga Golovin of GNPI-Ukraine reflect on God’s faithfulness in their lives, despite the turmoil in their country.
The Timothy Project (3:15)Timothy P. of GNPI-SE Asia shares his explanation to help Buddhists know the true God and his plan to train leaders in SE Asia with disciple-making resources.
This popular missions tool combines a song performed by Keith Lancaster of Acappella and footage of people around the world.
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (3:35)Let’s make this joyful song go all around the world! This global music video features 65 performers in 12 different languages, all from the GNPI network.
The Other Side of the World (4:12)This video including words and music by Rich Mullins reminds us that our differences can dissolve into the love of Christ. Used with permission.
Psalm 117 (2:40)Watch our friends from 12 different nations bring the shortest chapter in the Bible to life in this joyful song.
Thy Kingdom Come (4:45)This music video is a call to prayer. It's a reminder to keep seeking God's will and saying, "Thy Kingdom Come."